More and more I find that photographers are being booked online and sometimes without even having a phone call consultation. I think this is because we can now use social media as a tool for our couples to see who we are and get to know us without actually meeting us in person. They know from watching our insta stories wether or not we would be a good fit! Whats cool about this is that couples are busy. Planning a wedding is both fun and TIME consuming so the easier us photographers can make your life the better! That being said, I personally LOVE to meet my couples as well so don’t shy away from asking for a pre wedding consultation if that will make you more comfortable!
In the case of Melissa & Brad – we never met in person until their engagement session as they lived in another province. We were only a few minutes in and I knew these two were going to be so chill and fun to work with. They had two outfits which always excites me as it gives us a ton of variety and more time to hang and get to know each other. Engagement sessions should be fun and they should get you excited and prepared for your wedding photos. After the engagement session you will be a pro for your wedding photos! You will have learnt all the posing “rules”! Don’t worry, the posing rules are there to make you look and feel amazing during your engagement session. They aren’t like normal boring rules…… my couples know that “if it feels weird, it probably looks good”. You know what else…….. if it feels weird it usually makes you laugh and we can can capture some fun moments!
Melissa had gone to have her make up and hair trial and looked fabulous. her second outfit was a beautiful gown from Envy and it actually inspired me to get a similar one for my anniversary shoot (soon to be blogged). Not only did Melissa look stunning for her engagement session but she came with a super fun and excitable attitude which just made the session flow so easily!
Our original plan was to go to a totally different location and last minute we changed our minds. I am so glad we did. This location blew my mind. It was my first time there. We also had a beautiful sunset that day that created some soft, pretty, glowy light for their engagement portraits.
One of my favourite things about engagement sessions (aside from creating beautiful portraits) is that I get to know my couples better during this time. When I leave I am always so excited for their upcoming weddings.
Make Up: Chantelle Brown –
White Gown: Envy –
Hair: Meg Ryan from Bowtique –

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